2015 ASP Victorian Championships RESULTS (5th December 2015)
Judges are: Photos from Kim Humphrey's and Marc Jones and Melissa Hogg.
Thank you to the National ASP and sponsors who allow us to
have this show.
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
photo credit: Melissa Hogg
2014 ASPA Victorian championship RESULTS
National Buckskin All breeds show schedule.
Janelle Salway, Kelli-Anne Hancock and Kristen Cowdroy Special thankyou to our judges and stewards. Without your help this show wouldn't run. Thankyou also to our sponsors, these sponsors are vital for this show to continue. Please remember to thank your sponsors for their contributions and gifts.
Janelle Salway
Photo credit-Janice Woodward.-Click on links below https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681931891857170&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681932861857073&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681934245190268&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681935455190147&type=1
Photo credit-Jodie Jone's son.-click on links below https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681940141856345&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681942805189412&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681945441855815&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681948821855477&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681951938521832&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681958621854497&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681961081854251&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.681963081854051&type=1
The ASPA Victoria show has been run successfully for its second year. We thank competitors that travelled long distances to make this show a success. People travelled in excess of six hours to attend from SA and NSW. We thank all the Victorian members who attended. This show could not run without the generous support of sponsors. The sponsors assist to make this a friendly show that is aimed at children and encouraging them into the showing world. It was great seeing children smiling and loving getting a headstall, lead, stickers, tattoo’s , ruler’s and two children at the end of the day two lucky children won a garland of flowers for best ASP child ridden exhibit, (Child under 12 years and the other 12-17 years). A heartfelt thank you to sponsors
Thank you to our judges that travelled-Christinne Stevenson, Anne and Lisa McClealland and to our wonderful stewards, Vicki Lloyd, Maryjane Mitton, and Melissa Jackson. A big thank you to Nerida Corbett and Melissa for the prepration of the show and assisting on the day. A big thankyou to Al Mitton and his mobile PA system it made it much easier to hear this year that last. We welcomed new members who have already commented how they loved the show. One child did her rider class, and a lovely child member- Stacey McMasters said to her Mum , I have won a few things and she hasn’t got anything yet. So she got a lead rope from her pile and gave it to the young member so that she also got to take a prize home. I think if there was a sportsmanship award Stacey would be a deserving winner. We also need to thank the National Buckskin Society for allowing us to share their show. The oval look great with rings of Australian saddle ponies and also rings of Buckskin ponies. We also thank those members that showed in both rings and especially thank members that stayed to compete the next say day to support the Buckskin All Breeds Show. On a personal note I need to thank members who have supported us in running this show. I did miss my sister who had to take a horse to the races at Morphetville (who didn’t like the hard track and is now spelling for the winter). A special thank you to Kyle Baboth and Alannah Burns for all there hard work on the day and a special thankyou to Al. He was much happier when the PA was set up and the gazebo’s where put up for shade. We also thank Johno Burns for his generator which was fantastic and you could hardly here running. It was also fantastic for the ASPA to allow for the hot weather and gave out free drinks to competitors at lunch and the afternoon. What a great gesture. Thank you to Neville Mangan for assisting with the pack up of the Gazebo’s. Congratulations to all exhibitors, your ponies looked wonderful, and we look forward to seeing you next year with more ponies competing. Remember if you have a friend, partner that wants to assist on the day let us know. Need two more stewards, two more gazebos (shade for members) and people to assist setting up and packing up. Hopefully next year we will have an evening nibble and get together on either Friday or Saturday night at the show grounds.
ASPA photographers-Jodie Jones son- (waiting for these to be sent) and Janice Woodward included below. Thank you both for standing out in the sun.
Also there are some photos on http://kellietroyphotography.fotomerchant.com Congratulations to Lia Blackett who competed the second day and was Supreme led ASP exhibit. If you know who won the supreme ridden please send in your details.
Saturday: 1st December 2012 Bendigo Showgrounds
Judges: Denise McDonald Jennifer Rathbone Kay Mc Grath
Ring 1: Youngstock Classes- Saddle Ponies 11hds ne 12.2hds
BEST CHILD HANDLER UNDER 13 yrs Sash & Prize Champion-Alannah Burns
Reserve Champion-Charlotte Richardson
Champion & Reserve Champion Filly
Champion-Koora-Lyn Fascination (Koora-Lyn Stud)
Reserve-Murraygold Jassmyn (Murraygold Stud)
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Mare 11hds ne 12.2hds
Champion -Uhavta Royal Enchantment (Murraygold Stud)
Reserve- Uhavta Royal Fairytale (Murraygold Stud)
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Gelding 11hds ne 12.2hd
Champion-Uhavta Royal Extravagance (Ford Family)
Reserve Champion: Palm Park Royal Acclaim (Cherie Mills)
Champion & Reserve Ridden Saddle Pony 11hds ne 12.2hds
Champion-Uhavta Royal Enchantment (Murraygold Stud)
Reserve- Uhavta Royal Extravagance (Ford Family)
Champion & Reserve Ridden Show Hunter over 13.2hds ne 14.2hds
Champion- Hawkesbury Park Poetry ( Kylie Place)
Champion-Tamika Merlo Reserve champion: Charlotte Richardson
Ring 2 - Youngstock Classes Saddle Ponies over 12.2hds ne 13.2hds
Champion-Sheridan Hammet
Reserve champion-Zoe Lloyd
Champion & Reserve Led Colt
Champion-Uhavta Kensington (Uhavta Stud)
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Mare over 12.2hds not exceeding 13.2hds
Champion-Naruni Park Matisse (Jodie Jones)
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Gelding over 12.2hds ne 13.2hds
Champion -Leander Royal Endevour (June Bode)
Reserve champion- Brampton Jordayne (Kylie Place)
Champion & Reserve Ridden Saddle Pony over 12.2hds ne 13.2hds
Champion-Uhavta Head Over Heels (Uhavta Stud)
Reserve-Thorwood Meerkat (Cherie Mills)
Champion & Reserve Ridden Show Hunter ne12.2hds
Champion-Palm Park Royal Acclaim (Cherie Mills)
Reserve-Uhavta Royal Fairytale (Murraygold stud)
Champion-Indianna Shepherd
Reserve-Zoe Lloyd
Ring 3 - Saddle Ponies over 13.2hds ne 14.2hds
Champion & Res. Led Stud Book Saddle Pony Exhibit (Champ eligible for either supreme youngstock or supreme senior led)Garland,Rug & $50.00
Champion-Hawkesbury Park Poetry (Kylie Place)
Reserve-Uhavta Royal Enchantment (Murraygold Stud)
Champion & Res. Champion Led Mare over 13.2hds ne 14.2hds
Champion-Merivale Park Spring
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Gelding over 13.2hds ne 14.2hds
Champion-Kolbeach Seasons (Patricia Annett)
Reserve-KB Forever (G+D Seipolt)
Champion & Reserve Ridden Saddle Pony over 13.2hds ne 14.2hds
Champion-Hamlot Park Royal Quest (Bobby Hammet)
Reserve-Fable Park Keno (Kristy Thompson)
Champion &Reserve Ridden Show Hunter ne 13.2hds
Champion-Thorwood Meerkat (Cherie Mills)
Uhavta Kesington (Uhavta Stud)
SUPREME LED SENIOR EXHIBIT receive a garland & Rug
Naruni Park Matisse (Jodie Jones)
CHAMPION LED ASP STUDBOOK Will receive a Garland & Rug & $50
Champion: Hawkesbury Park Poetry (Kylie Place)
BEST RIDDEN NEWCOMER OF SHOW will receive a Garland & Rug
Champion: Fable Park Keno (Kristy Thompson)
Hamlot Park Royal Quest (Bobby Hammet)
BEST RIDDEN ASP STUDBOOK will receive a Garland & Rug & $50.00
Champion: Uhavta Royal Enchantment (Murraygold Stud)
Reserve champion: Hawkesbury Park Poetry (Kylie Place)
Sponsors; · Murraygold stud-Sharyn and Neville Mangan · Cherie Mills-Palm Park Stud · Uhavta Stud-Helen Burns ,Maryjane, Alastair and Wentworth Mitton · Davron Stud-Ford Family · Fable Park-Gaye, Pug and Kristy Thompson · Hamlot Park-Bobby and Brett Hamett.
Donations · Ged and Donna Seipolt · Rebecca Jackson
Australian Saddle Pony Association PO Box 150 PEAK HILL, NSW 2869 Ph: 02 6869 1627 Fax: 02 6869 1997 info@australiansaddlepony.com.au